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When I Want to Do Wrong

From Brianna:

Psalm 119:137-144,

You are right and you do right, God; your decisions are right on target. You rightly instruct us in how to live ever faithful to you. My rivals nearly did me in, they persistently ignored your commandments. Your promise has been tested through and through, and I, your servant, love it dearly. I’m too young to be important, but I don’t forget what you tell me. Your righteousness is eternally right, your revelation is the only truth. Even though troubles came down on me hard, your commands always gave me delight. The way you tell me to live is always right; help me understand it so I can live to the fullest.

This scripture breaks it down so plainly. When I’m doubtful or hesitant about something, I find peace in this scripture.

“You are right and you do right, God; your decisions are right on target.”

I don’t always understand why God allows me to go through certain things or why He thinks I can handle the pressure. However, my questioning won’t make the situation go away. I trust His judgment. I know that He is right and that His decisions are made with my best interest in mind.

“…You rightly instruct us in how to live ever faithful to you.”

His Word is His instruction. Struggling? Seek His Word. Doubting? Seek His Word. Need answers? Seek His Word. He has given us instructions. Like any good parent, He won’t give us anything NEW until we do what He’s already asked us to do. If you’re seeking further direction, take a minute to think if you’ve done what He’s already asked you to do.

“…My rivals nearly did me in, they persistently ignored your commandments.”

I’ve been tested, tried, hurt, betrayed, and heartbroken. Over time, Jesus has helped me to pass the tests, declare triumph over the trials, heal my hurt, forgive the betrayal, and mend my broken heart…and guess what? I’m making it just fine.

“…Your promise has been tested through and through, and I, your servant, love it dearly. I’m too young to be important, but I don’t forget what you tell me.”

You’ve never failed. I’m the one who has been inconsistent. I’m forever indebted to you, Jesus. Although I can never repay you and I remain undeserving of your love, grace, and mercy, I’ll accept it all and hide Your Word in my heart.

“…Your righteousness is eternally right, your revelation is the only truth. Even though troubles came down on me hard, your commands always gave me delight.”

When I doubt you, you’re still right. When I’m scared, you’re still right. When my circumstances say otherwise, you’re still right. When it hurts, you’re still right. When I’m angry, you’re still right. I can always find delight in Your Word.

“…The way you tell me to live is always right; help me understand it so I can live to the fullest.”

I can’t fully say that I trust God if along with every new trial, I become fearful. One thing has remained the same throughout every trial I faced: God came through. I didn’t say that I always got what I wanted, but God came through. He has provided. He has sustained. He has loved. He has filled every void.

When I want to do wrong, the Jesus inside of me is right. This is where conviction comes in. If Jesus is truly in your heart, you can’t sin without remorse. When you fall in love, you have no intention of hurting that person. If you find that something you’re doing hurts them, you stop doing it. Even if you have to wing yourself off of it or seek help, you make every effort to stop because you want to please them. You want them to be happy with you. You want them to see your effort. So, when you want to do wrong, don’t ignore that tug on your heart. Take a moment to think how you will make Jesus feel. If you’ve already done wrong (which we all have at some point), get on the RIGHT track TODAY. He has given us the ability, power, and instructions to do right.

From Mo'Nique:

It's not always that my flesh and spirit line up. Actually, they NEVER agree when it comes down to making the right decision. However, when it's time to choose between what I want to do and what I SHOULD do, I have a few things to keep in mind:

1. It's not about me anymore.

When I decided that I was going to follow Christ, I decided to literally DIE to myself. His word says, we are NEW creatures and the old is passed away. I no longer belong to myself, I never did. Also, I have to realize every decision I make affects someone else. Is my bad decision worth tainting my witness? Is it worth detour in someone who may be looking up to me? When I'm really wrestling my flesh, I always remind myself that this life isn't about me but about winning souls for Christ. "I'm too young to be important!"

2. Is it worth breaking God's heart?

When I was little anytime I misbehaved my mother would say, "Mo'Nique, I am calling your grandfather." I immediately straightened up. Although my grandfather never physically disciplined me, he would give a look of disappointment that just shattered me. I knew I had let him down. That's the same hurt I feel when I know I let God down. Every time we make a choice to go against God's Word, we break His heart. That feeling of my daddy looking down at me, and shaking His head, it's too overwhelming. I’d rather do what pleases Him than to continue to sadden Him with my fleshly decisions.

The topical scripture reminds us that God will never instruct us wrongfully. Never will He set us up to be ashamed or fail. His Word is to lift us and keep us safe. His promises are unfailing. Who wouldn't serve a righteous God as He? It's when I made my own choices that I paid dire consequences. It pays to follow good instruction. So when the enemy entices you with a decision that goes against what God says, just remember it literally HURTS God when we make decisions against His Word. Do you think He wants to hinder the promises and prosperity that He ordained was yours before you were even created? NO! He is excited about blessing what's His. What parent wants to deliberately punish their children? We place God in a horrible predicament when WE make our own decisions. Secondly, remember, that's it's not about you anymore. You are a personification of Christ. Through you people can be presented life...but in that same token, through you lives can be misled. You are accountable for either path.

It may bring temporary satisfaction to do what's wrong, but it also can cause permanent damage. His Word says that His way is always true and just. What will you choose?

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